ST510 Foundations of Machine Learning

Winter Term 2023 - 2024


Teaching assistant

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Week Topic Week Topic
1 Statistical learning theory 7 Neural networks
2 Convex optimisation 8 Unsupervised learning - clustering
3 Non-convex optimisation 9 High-dimensional regression and optimisation
4 Support vector machines 10 Reinforcement learning
5 Decision trees and random forests 11 Unsupervised learning - dimension reduction
6 Reading Week    

Course Description

The goal of this course is to provide students with a training in foundations of machine learning with a focus on statistical and algorithmic aspects. Students will learn fundamental statistical principles, algorithms, and how to implement and apply machine learning algorithms using the state-of-the-art Python packages such as scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and OpenAI Gym.


The course will involve 20 hours of lectures and 10 hours of computer workshops in the WT.


A knowledge of probability and statistical theory to the level of ST102 and ST206 and some parts of ST505 (e.g. linear models and generalized linear models). Some experience with computer programming will be assumed (e.g., Python, R).


This course is available on the MPhil/PhD in Statistics. This course is available with permission as an outside option to students on other programmes where regulations permit.

The availability as an outside option requires a demonstration of sufficient background in mathematics and statistics and is at the discretion of the instructor.


Week 1. Statistical learning theory

In this lecture we cover basic concepts and some of the key results of statistical learning theory. We start with an introduction to basic assumptions of the statistical learning framework and the key concept of probably almost correct (PAC) learning, and discuss the concept of the bias-complexity trade-off. We then discuss two facts for learning infinite hypothesis classes: first, that some infinite hypothesis classes are learnable, and second, that a universal learner that has no prior knowledge cannot be successful in learning any given task. We then introduce and discuss different concepts for learning infinite hypothesis classes, starting with uniform convergence and showing that it is a sufficient condition for learning. We then introduce the concepts of Rademacher complexity and growth function, and fundamental bounds for learning using these concepts. Finally, we introduce the concept of VC-dimension, its relation to the growth function, and the fundamental theorem of PAC learning.



Week 2. Convex optimisation

In this lecture we cover basic concepts and algorithms of convex optimisation. We start with the definition of convexity and the implications of having a convex objective function to minimise. We then look into the unvariate case, focusing on bisection method, gradient descent and Newton-Raphson. We discuss the convergence rates, as well as some theory for the aforementioned algorithms. These algorithms are illustrated again in the multivariate setting. Other topics such as coordinate descent, stochastic gradient descent (SGD), and acceleration by momentum are also briefly mentioned.



Week 3. Non-convex optimisation

In this week we will introduce and describe the problem of non-convex optimisation. This is problem is particularly challenging, known as a NP-Hard problem. We will focus on techniques such as Random Gradient Descent methods, Bayesian optimisation, Markov Chain Monte Carlo and we will briefly touch Genetic Algorithms. The focus will be on the principles while keeping close tabs with applications. You can find the lecture slides below as well as some further reading which you may explore further if want to do a project on non-convex optimisation.



Week 4. Support vector machines

This week we focus on linear methods for high-dimensional supervised learning, with particular attention to classification with SVMs, kernel methods, and the “kernel trick.” We begin with a brief review of logistic regression and classification with linear decision boundaries, then discuss maximum margin classification with SVMs, introduce kernels as a method for relatively automated feature transformation or embedding, discuss mathematical results that tell us kernel optimization problems reduce from high- and potentially infinite-dimensional to problems with dimension controlled by the sample size, and conclude by connecting these methods to regression via ridge (or L2) penalization.



Week 5. Decision trees and random forests

In this lecture we cover tree-based methods and some ensemble methods. We start with regression and classification trees, discussing the estimation procedure, cost complexity pruning, different node purity measures and illustrative examples. We then discuss bagging and random forests, including e.g. the variance reduction, Out-of-Bag errors and kernel-based random forests. Some recent developments of random forests will also be briefly mentioned.



Week 7. Neural networks

In this week we focus on deep learning with feed-forward neural networks. In particular, we introduce the multilayer perceptron (MLP) or feed-forward neural network architecture for building complex non-linear functions by compositions of simple non-linear functions. We discuss some of the terminology used to describe network architecture, give some intuition about why the depth of the network improves on using single hidden-layer networks, briefly focus on some of the specific issues that arise in optimization and fitting of these models, try to understand why such highly overparametrized models can have good generalization error, and briefly conclude with words of caution on out-of-distribution generalization and potential ethical issues with common deep learning applications like facial recognition.


Lab: TBD

Week 8. Unsupervised learning - clustering

In this lecture we cover some commonly adopted clustering mehtods to find subgroups and clusters in a dataset. We start with k-means clustering, discussing k-means alogirthm, “overfit then merge” strategy, k-means++ algortihm, the selection of k, theoretical guarantees and high-dimensional clusterings. We then briefly discuss hierarchical clustering including the algorithm, types of linkage and similarity measures. Finally, we discuss spectral clustering using ideas related to eigenanalysis, including different types Laplacians, supporting theorems, the algorithm and illustrative examples.



Week 9. High-dimensional regression and optimization

In this lecture we begins with a review of the Stein paradox and bias in estimation through the James-Stein estimator and ridge regression. The rest of the lecture then focuses on the lasso for sparse, interpretable regression in high-dimensional problems. We discuss the constrained and lagrangian forms of the lasso optimization problem, give some intuition about why solutions are sparse, interpret the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions and compare them to ridge and OLS, investigate the degrees of freedom, optimism gap, and choosing the penalty parameter with cross-validation, and conclude by illustrating how model selection bias can invalidate classical linear regression inferences if computed on the same data used to select the model.



Week 10. Reinforcement learning

In this lecture we cover some popular reinforcement learning algorithms. We start with discussing applications that could benefit from applying reinforcement learning algorithms. We then introduce various basic concepts as well as the mathematical foundations of reinforcement learning. We next focus on one of the most popular class of reinforcement learning algorithms: Q-learning, and introduce some detailed algorithms such as tabular Q-learning, tabular SARSA, fitted Q-iteration and deep Q-network. Finally, we briefly talk about policy-based learning and highlight their difference from Q-learning.



Week 11. Unsupervised learning - dimension reduction

In this lecture we cover some popular strategies and algorithms for dimension reduction. We start with principle component analysis (PCA), discussing various ways of performing and interpreting PCA, and showing their equivalence. We then move on to show how the PCA can be extended in different directions, either by having more constraints, or by performing non-linear (instead of linear) transformation. In particular, we briefly discuss the key ideas behind sparse PCA, non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), multidimensional scaling (MDS), and autoencoder.

